by Marike | Jan 14, 2021 | Social Media
Ever scrolled through Instagram and saw a post from “just a normal girl” with tons of comments and likes, and wondered to yourself … what is she doing differently to get this kind of engagement? It’s kind of like … I work in my yoga pants...
by Marike | Apr 14, 2020 | Uncategorized
16.6 Million … that is the amount of times the hashtag “#corona” has been used on Instagram when I started writing this article … and that number doesn’t even include other related hashtags. Think about that, COVID-19 hasn’t only influenced our day to day lives, but...
by Marike | May 27, 2019 | Creative Entrepreneur, Freebies
Whenever I meet someone who’s either working full-time and pursuing something on the side or just looks like they might know someone who’s considering working for themselves I very over-eagerly start talking about some of the following online tools as if...
by Marike | Mar 26, 2019 | Creative Entrepreneur, Freebies
Let’s be honest, there’s a certain allure around working from home … the idea of both sitting on the couch in your jam-jams, watching Netflix and meeting your deadlines at the same time. But because you get to work from home, and you’re not...
by Marike | Mar 25, 2019 | Creative Entrepreneur, Graphic Design
So you really feel drawn to the creative boss life, and you know your mind is wired creatively but your current situation just doesn’t allow you to drop everything and go get a degree in graphic design/photography or whatever it might be that inspires you. I was...
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