by Marike | Mar 25, 2019 | Creative Entrepreneur, Graphic Design
So you really feel drawn to the creative boss life, and you know your mind is wired creatively but your current situation just doesn’t allow you to drop everything and go get a degree in graphic design/photography or whatever it might be that inspires you. I was...
by Marike | Mar 24, 2019 | Creative Entrepreneur, Graphic Design
Taking that big leap from a full-time salary to working for yourself is really scary, I know! I worked full-time while side-hustling for two years before making the choice to go full-time with my own business. There are a few things I did & set in place before...
by Marike | Mar 10, 2019 | Creative Entrepreneur, Graphic Design
Picture this … you’ve just started working on a really important creative project, but after two hours you find yourself still staring at the metaphorical blank canvas of your new project or even the literal blank Illustrator Artboard you’ve opened,...
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